Tuesday, 8 January 2008

My hubby the traveller 1a

My hubby “T” is a bit of a traveller. I’ve tried talking him into blogging but he has blatantly refused. So in the next couple of days, weeks or months, I’ll show you some of the pictures in his “holiday library”.

Phnom Penh Museum, Cambodia

He watches a lot of travel channel and visits travel websites to research on new places. He planned to take me to China this year but it’s now off the cards because of the Olympics. Air fares and hotels are either too
expensive or fully booked. I think he’s now looking at
Tunisia or Morocco

Toul Sleng Genocide Museum where a lot of Cambodians were killed during the Pol Pot regime.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Girl, Go along and get to see the rest of the world and pls post the pics when you get back so we can eat our heart out. LOL!!