Thursday, 3 January 2008

Day 13 @ work & captain caveman

Got to work early today. I no want wahala. The weatherman said it was going to snow today so I got too prepared and then no snow. The silly weatherman was a bit embarassed on BBC1 when he was asked where the snow was?
My mum-in-law has been here since Sunday. She's babysitting for us because the after school club will be closed till 7th January. The club is usually open full time during the holidays but not this year. So I'm well behaved at for the next 3 days. But, I'll be going out tomorrow (TGIF) with my friend "B", god-daughter "T" ( 3months old) and our friend "TT" to my favourite place.
About two weeks ago was "B"'s birthday. The plan was to go out. So I invited "A" and "N". A day before the night out, I got a call from "N" who said that her hubby "Y" is not happy that I didn't invite him to the night out. When "Y" got on the phone, I apologised and explained to him that it was a girly thing. I couldn''t believe what I was hearing when he replied. He said "what would married women be doing at night clubs"? he knows what guys get up to at night clubs and he has no respect for married women that goes to night clubs. I couldn't say a word because I was too shocked. More so, "N"'s dad just came from Naija so I couldn't react the way I should have.
I never knew the guy lives in the dark ages o. "N" and "Y" have been married for over 10 years and they have two girls. The guy vexed me no be small.
After christmas, I met up with "N" for lunch.(she's a hardworking lawyer). Apparently she had a very big row with her hubby over the matter. I've now renamed "Y" as captain caveman.
I've added some new songs to my happy listening playlist. They will continue to change from time to time. They're some of the songs I enjoy listening to these days.

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