Yesterday, I had a 1-2-1 with my manager.It wasn't bad. The woman found out a whole lot about me and as a result, I've been booked on a course (which is one of the main reasons why I decided to take this job for a pay cut) in two weeks time. Other courses have been lined up too.
The insurance company, repair garage and car rental company are playing game with each other but they're joking. I've got them where I want them. I still have the rental car.
I'm high on night nurse.I slept like a baby last night and I'll be doing the same all week.
I'm excited about Hotel Babylon. A new series starts tonight at 9pm. Once I've watched it, I'm off to bed.
good luck with the job
come down slowly
All the best with the job. I like Hotel Babylon - Thanks for dropping in to my soul blog. I am starting a new one dedicated to slow jamz today.
@ Soulstars.Please do I'll love that. Thanks for the comment
I'm excited about Hotel Babylon too. Havent missed any series.
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