Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Finally & Nollywoodmovies!!!

The car rental company delivered a courtesy car to my house today and the garage has arranged for my car to be picked up on 18th February. Although the courtesy car is brand new (cha cha) 47km only on the clock so I'm launching it for the car rental company. I would have loved to drive to the continent but the insurance doesn't cover that. I'll enjoy the car sha.
There is a new craze in the UK right now it's the Sky (satellite) channel 331. It's a channel dedicated to Nollywood movies. They're running tests on the channel now and the package will eventually cost £5.99 per month. For that, subscribers can watch at least 30 new movies per month with a matinee at 19.00 hours daily. It's been very popular amongst non-Nigerians and I believe the arrangement will work well between the owners of the channel and the Nollywood producers,marketers and directors. Kudos to the owner sha.Because a lot of people look forward to this channel every night and its been very nice.


Jinta said...

you're right that a lot of non-nigerians like the nollywood channel. i've watched it once and it was nice; my only grouse is that they had to call it 'nollywood'. could we not have had our own nomenclature instead of a derivative of hollywood?
that's just the nationalist in me writing

chioma said...

yeah nollywoods a pretty silly name..but it has stuck/./iyaeto enjoy but dont watch to much tv oh!