Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Happy Birthday Mum!!

Glitter Photos

It's my mum's birthday today. This time last year, she was here with us on holiday we took her out to enjoy herself but she didn't know that we had planned a surprise party for her last Summer in Naija She had so much fun. I spoke to her this morning
Mumsie, Iya ni wura.
May this day and every other day bring you joy
I thank God for my mum
Although we argue
you still show me the way
you've always stood by me through think and thin

Ewe so ye omo (hello mother pikin). Ee pe fun wa o. Ee jeun omo pe pe pe.

Tuesday, 29 January 2008

90 minutes!!!!???

They had 90minutes to get it right. They prayed on the pitch like their life depends on it.They've managed to get through to the next round. Let's hope they win.

Monday, 28 January 2008

I'm in pains!!!!

Last Saturday, my sister had to call an ambulance. I couldn't breath properly. I was in serious pain from the whiplash. The pain was so much that I was crying in silence.
I was rushed to the A&E and was later prescribed Tylex which contains codeine. It knocked me out completely.
I went to work today but I'm still in pain even right now as I'm typing.
Meanwhile, a lot of paperwork keeps coming in the post from my insurer's solicitor and insurance company.

Friday, 25 January 2008

They've done it again!!!

This is not a good outing for the Super Eagles o. From where I'm sitting, I don't think the team has anything to look forward to. The team couldn't even score a goal. Mikel Obi even said he doesn't know what happened when he was interviewed after the match against Mali.
Let's wait and see what happens in the last match. May be they'll be able to score 15 goals (LOL!)

Monday, 21 January 2008

What was that????

What happened to the Super Eagles?
I'm going to be very quiet at work. I hope Berti Vogts justifies the money he's being paid.Have the players been partying the night before the match? If not, then why were they playing "stainless" football (not wanting to be injured). They were actually playing as if they're playing footblat athe open space near my parent's house in Naija (ori iyanrin/ Marakanna)stadium. As if they're playing "set" Sunday league at Hackney Downs.

Upon all the hype, I had expected a nice entertaining match rather all I saw was a bunch of guys running around like a headless chicken.
Has the NFA officials done something wrong (like they always do)? Like what happened at France 98 (I was there live!). Let's hope they put the house in order.

Thursday, 17 January 2008


I'm suffering from whiplash o. The garage has called to arrange a damage inspection for tomorrow and my insurance company has informed me that the driver's insurance company has accepted responsibility. Also my insurance company's legal department would be putting in a claim for my injury.I feel like I've gone 12 rounds with Mike Tyson. "T" offered to massage it with white tiger balm for me (abi that's the way looooooooove goes). That's all for today.
BTW, I'll be getting a courtesy car so I might drive to France for a weekend so I can put some mileage on the courtesy car.

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

She don hit my car!!!!!

On my way home from work today, I decided to get some box files. Initially I thought of going to STAPLES but as I almost got there, I decided to go to LIDL instead as I got to a mini round about, I saw a bit of traffic then I stopped and as I was enjoying Kashif's turn me on on my car stereo, I heard a loud bang from behind. I felt this sharp pain in my head then it dawned on me that someone had bashed my car from the rear. I held my head with my hands and I got out of the car. The driver of the other car (a woman) suggested that we go to ASDA's car park. I was still in shock when I got out of my car at ASDA to properly assess the damage. This woman (the driver of the other car) walked up to me and asked if I was wearing my seatbelt. I was so angry but all I could say was that why would I be driving without wearing a seat belt. We exchanged details but the stupid woman said she didn't have her insurance details on her so I took a picture of my damaged car. I also took a photo of her car because people can be funny. She could just go and cook up a funny story to her insurance company. Although she bashed my car from behind so automatically, she's at fault. I then called "T" who advised me to call the police immediately as she may not be insured. I called the police to report the incident and I was given a reference number. While I was talking to the police, this woman driver was still looking for a way to open her car bonnet which I suggested to her because I saw water dripping from under her car ( I didn't tell her but I think she broke her radiator) and 20 minutes later, the silly woman still could not work out how to open her bonnet.
I also bumped into my friend "TO" who felt sorry for me but was surprised that the woman could not open her bonnet. The last time I saw the woman, she was flicking through her car manual.

When I got home, I called my insurance company so everything is sorted. I'll be getting a courtesy car while the car is being repaired. I then went to drop an envelope at a friend's place (she leaving for Naija tomorrow) for my mum. Then I started feeling pains on my neck and headache so on my way back from my friend's place, I went to the A&E at the hospital where I was given medication and prescription. The doctor's conclusion was that I'm suffering from whiplash. I'll have to go to the police station tomorrow and call the woman for her insurance details.

What a day! I'm tired .My head is dancing kpopo di po.

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Pay day!!

I got paid today but not what I expected despite the fact that I handed in my P45 about four weeks ago to the operations manager. Two weeks ago, I asked him if he had forwarded my P45 to payroll and his answer was "yes" but I thought I saw my P45 under his computer keyboard. But to my surprise, that did not reflect in my pay as I had been over taxed and this was what I was trying to avoid.
When I saw this today, I went to confirm if he had sent it he still said "yes". This was after I had been on the phone to payroll only to be told that my P45 was nowhere to be found. I looked on his desk, I still saw the paper there but because it was folded, I couldn't see the name on it and that meant I couldn't prove it. I had a feeling that the guy was lying to me.
After lunch, I decided to take advantage of his being at a meeting to take my P45 from his desk but when I got to his desk, what looked like my P45 was gone!
I'll be calling the payroll section from tomorrow till the end of this week. I'm sure he just sent it.
I can't stand liars. The guy no sabi me at all. He is playing with fire.
The annoying thing is that for me to get a refund I'll have to contact the tax office myself and it could take forever.

Monday, 14 January 2008

What is this world turning into???

I was just about to log off and shutdown my system last night when I got a buzz on my Yahoo messenger. It was my brother's wife. The estate (somewhere in Ajah) they live on got raided by armed robbers around 17.00 hours. Initially, I thought she was joking but she wasn't. The robbers pointed a gun at my 7 year old nephew and then they hit the mum's eye with the butt of a gun. They took her jewelleries, phones and money.
They locked the security guards inside the security post while they raided people's houses and killed a former AIG in the process. The most annoying thing was that the mobile policemen that usually guard the estate conveniently resumed duty late and this was very unusual. They (the mobile policemen) have all been arrested sha.

My brother and his family moved to Naija about 3 years ago this came as a rude shock to them and us too.

Saturday, 12 January 2008

My hubby the traveller 4a

These are pictures from his trip to Thailand in 2005

Doi Inthanon "the roof of Thailand"

Chiang Mai zoo

Animals at the zoo

Friday, 11 January 2008

Thursday, 10 January 2008

My hubby the traveller 2a

These are the rules and regulations which prisoners are made to abide by when they arrive at the Tuol Sleng Prison.

The Vietnamese Border Post

Another view of the Vietnamese border post

The Cambodian end of the border

How my hubby copes when he goes on these holidays? I don't know. He sometimes gets hotel rooms under $10. The rooms are very neat and tidy with an air conditioner. During the Cambodia,Hanoi , Vietnam trip, he said in many places, he's usually the only black person and a lot of people would gather round and take pictures with him. He was even delayed at an airport for hours. The immigration officals said there was "something" wrong with his passport. He thinks they were trying to see if he'll act funny as he had been to Thailand twice. Once on holiday and the second time in transit. He enjoys it so I can't complain. As long as he sends me a text message or an email containing the hotel address and itinery.

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Happy Birthday Boys!!

Blogger Graphics

It's the boys (rugrats) birthday today. They're now 8 years old. I have every reason to be thankful to God. Not with the labour pains and all.They'll be starting their first Holy Communion class from next Wednesday. We opted for the Wednesday class (after school) as the Saturday class is at an awkward time 2pm.
We've got the cake and party bags ready for their classmates then later in the day, we'll probably take them out for dinner.
The Nintendo DS lite is still out of stock at the shops and online. They'll still get something sha.

I'll continue with "T"'s travel pictures tomorrow.

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

My hubby the traveller 1a

My hubby “T” is a bit of a traveller. I’ve tried talking him into blogging but he has blatantly refused. So in the next couple of days, weeks or months, I’ll show you some of the pictures in his “holiday library”.

Phnom Penh Museum, Cambodia

He watches a lot of travel channel and visits travel websites to research on new places. He planned to take me to China this year but it’s now off the cards because of the Olympics. Air fares and hotels are either too
expensive or fully booked. I think he’s now looking at
Tunisia or Morocco

Toul Sleng Genocide Museum where a lot of Cambodians were killed during the Pol Pot regime.

Monday, 7 January 2008

Day 15 @ work & the bug day II

I went back to work today only to be sent home 2hrs later. Why? I have to stay at home for 48hrs after the virus has gone! . Since its a nationwide outbreak, I don't think the sickie should count against me. I'll have a word with my union rep.
My son has been grounded for a week by my sister. No computer,no video games. My other son has not failed to remind him of that . "M" YOU'RE GROUNDED,NO COMPUTER, NO VIDEO GAMES!!!!!. He has been really quiet for the past two days . So today, my sister called it off. My son's face lit up.
He's enjoying himself now but they resume school tomorrow. Meanwhile, I'm at home watching Yoruba movies. Abi how for do?

Friday, 4 January 2008

Day 14 @ work & The bug

I didn't have a good night sleep because I had tummy ache and I kept going in and out of the loo. I had a funny feeling that I had caught the bug as I was also feeling nauseous.
When I got to work, my manager knew there was something wrong with me. When I told her, my colleagues moved away from me as if I had caught the bubonic plague! (Na wa for people o).
I then went into a side room to wait for my manager. When she came back to me, she was covering her nose with her blouse!!
Anyways, I got sent home. On my way home, I went to check out some things I need to export. My supplier told me to come on Monday. I also found a warehouse where I bought my car part which I had been searching for. I got it really cheap.
I wonder where I got this bug (which seems to be a major topic on BBC Newsy the last couple of days) from. This means I am not going out tonight.

Thursday, 3 January 2008

Day 13 @ work & captain caveman

Got to work early today. I no want wahala. The weatherman said it was going to snow today so I got too prepared and then no snow. The silly weatherman was a bit embarassed on BBC1 when he was asked where the snow was?
My mum-in-law has been here since Sunday. She's babysitting for us because the after school club will be closed till 7th January. The club is usually open full time during the holidays but not this year. So I'm well behaved at for the next 3 days. But, I'll be going out tomorrow (TGIF) with my friend "B", god-daughter "T" ( 3months old) and our friend "TT" to my favourite place.
About two weeks ago was "B"'s birthday. The plan was to go out. So I invited "A" and "N". A day before the night out, I got a call from "N" who said that her hubby "Y" is not happy that I didn't invite him to the night out. When "Y" got on the phone, I apologised and explained to him that it was a girly thing. I couldn''t believe what I was hearing when he replied. He said "what would married women be doing at night clubs"? he knows what guys get up to at night clubs and he has no respect for married women that goes to night clubs. I couldn't say a word because I was too shocked. More so, "N"'s dad just came from Naija so I couldn't react the way I should have.
I never knew the guy lives in the dark ages o. "N" and "Y" have been married for over 10 years and they have two girls. The guy vexed me no be small.
After christmas, I met up with "N" for lunch.(she's a hardworking lawyer). Apparently she had a very big row with her hubby over the matter. I've now renamed "Y" as captain caveman.
I've added some new songs to my happy listening playlist. They will continue to change from time to time. They're some of the songs I enjoy listening to these days.

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Day 12 @ work

I woke up at 9.04hrs and I was supposed to be at work by 9.00 hours.Well I called a
colleague's mobile as I forgot the induction handbook at work. I finally got to work at 9.40hours.
I was given a Friday ultimatum to sort out my references. I sprang into action. made a few phone calls, sent a few emails and by lunchtime, things turned around. My reference had been faxed. Because I had worked with the same government establishment for 7 years, I used my 2 managers (who were my bosses at different times) as my referees, the HR section refused to send the two references. They sent one covering the 7 years!
I got an email asking for another referee but the project I worked at over 7 years ago, had been merged with something else and my boss had left for God knows where.
Trust me.I put on my thinking cap, and I found a solution as my new HR assistant offered to send the reference by email. BINGO! I quickly sent her my "new referee's official email address. So by this time tomorrow, I'll be singing a different song.

Thank God for mobile phones, emails and new technology.