Monday, 31 December 2007
Day 11 @ work,2007 and year 2008
I called my ex-employer's HR section and I was told that my former manager is on holiday till next year! (yee pa). I've sent an email to the person acting up for her. Hope she replies because I want her to check her manager's post for the reference request so that she can deal with it. Initially, she told me that she got the reference form and has since dealt with it but it seems as if the HR section didn't get it. I hope this gets sorted before the next pay day. (I be Ijebu woman I need money).
Tonight a lot of people will be off to their places of worship while others will be out partying or clubbing. As for me, I should be at the Mass with the family then maybe later, I could go partying.
This year had its ups and downs. For example I had a major operation in the first quarter of the year. Thank God I survived and I thank my mum, siblings, hubby and kids for nursing me back to good health.
I have a wish list for 2008. Although the wishes are not in a particular order but I know somehow, I'll get there.
Enjoy life and I wish you all a prosperous New Year.
BTW, I met my kid sister's boyfie. Na waa o the guy was prostrating for me. You see my kid sis (baby of the family)is at Uni and this guy has been dropping her off for quite some time.
Thursday, 27 December 2007
What a day
Went to my see my in-laws yesterday. I was so bored. Even my kids found it boring. I nodded off though. Got home later to watch football and then this with the boys.
I called my younger brother today to wish him a happy birthday then we had a long chat.
And on a sad note, I saw this in sky news. How sad. May her Soul Rest In Peace.
Tuesday, 25 December 2007
Xmas day!!!
By 3 pm, the turkey, my lamb chops and the other soul food was ready for us to dig in. The boys opened their presents after lunch, and they've disappeared into their room ever since. Me, my hubby and siblings exchanged presents too.
I 've had so much to eat and I'm now cooling off with a bottle of red wine (as usual) while watching Nollywood movies. What a day.
Merry Christmas to you all!!!
Sunday, 23 December 2007
Mass, Shopping & Fog!!!!!!
Woke up around
Saturday, 22 December 2007
Day 10 @ work & Letter to Santa

I'm off work till 31st. I was supposed to resume on 27th, but the boss decided to give us 27th & 28th off so I'll go to work on New Years Eve for a few hours and off then I'm off till the 2nd.
When I left work yesterday (Friday), it was so foggy that I just managed to drive home. Thank God it was only 10minutes drive. I couldn't go out as planned because the fog got worse. So I mellowed with a bottle of red wine.
Did a bit of shopping last night at CW but I still haven't got presents for the boys. The stores seem to be sold out of what they want. I'll think of something. Their day has gone out to check the stores if not, we'll get them the games they want for their PS2. They both wrote a letter to Santa explaining the reasons why they should get the presents.
Thursday, 20 December 2007
Day 9 @ work
Well I've decided to stay calm until my work references come through and cleared because I have a feeling that if I should lose my cool with the HR assistant, she'll put my work references in the shredder and claim not to have received them because as of Friday, she said she had received one of my work references and my medical form, and then on Monday she said she hasn't received anything. I was shocked. Well I'll continue to follow it up.
Thank God tomorrow will be Friday. I'm off to this place with the girls. It's B's birthday. I need to get the presents by tomorrow. I'll go to LS tomorrow and CW on Saturday.
Wednesday, 19 December 2007
Day 8 @ work & Eid
Enjoying my training. Today, I did a bit of job shadowing. All my IT problems have been finally solved. But my work reference hasn't come back yet. The boys had Xmas lunches yesterday at school and today at the After School Club.
Eid Mubarak! To my Muslim brothers and sisters. I remember "ileya" in
Eid is well celebrated amongst the Asians here. Although the Nigerian community here do celebrate Eid but it's not comparable to the way it's being celebrated in
Anyway, Barka De Salah!
Tuesday, 18 December 2007
6th, 7th day @ work & my brother & friend
I couldn't write anything yesterday. I was thinking about my friend who died last year. How time flies. It's been a year already. I miss him so much. We went to secondary school and University together. In fact we majored in the same course at the university. We never used to talk at secondary school but when we got to university, we became very close. Like brother and sister and when we finally graduated, we continued being friends. He made me give my hubby a chance when he was "toasting" me and thank God I listened to his advice.
Whenever I was on my way to
I remember December 1998, he had been in
My dear brother and friend, May you continue to Rest in Peace.
Days 6 and 7 at work haven’t been bad at all still learning the ropes. The only problem is that it’s really cold at the training room. My references are still being sorted so no pay till next month!!!!!!! I think the HR officer has too much to do. The IT guy is getting some issues sorted out for me today so my name and log ins should be in the right order tomorrow.
Sunday, 16 December 2007
Girls Night out & School disco
I finally had a well deserved 2 hour rest.
Then on Saturday, I went to this place with my crew N, D, D, P & B. After dinner, we made our way to one of my favourite places. Had fun though. Couldn't go to church today but my hubby went with the boys.
BTW: My son M won a prize at the disco for dancing. He refused to show me how he danced and dad didn't record it.
Saturday, 15 December 2007
Day 5 @ work
During my lunch break, I walked down the market and I heard this old Ebenezer Obey songs blaring from the speakers at one of the market stalls. I was curious, so I went to the market stall to see what they had on sale and they were Nigerian movie VCDs, DVDs, music CDs and all. I wondered how much actually goes back to the movie owners and musician's pockets in Nigeria.
There is this new TV series that I'm really getting into. Journeyman started while I was away but I recorded the episodes. Now I'm catching up and I'm enjoying it just like I'm enjoying The Riches
Thursday, 13 December 2007
4th day @ work
The training went smoothly. Although I was nodding off but as soon as we had the first 15 minute break, I went straight to Mackie (McDonalds) to get something to eat.Phew! I actually thought I wasn't going to get paid till next year but the payroll section has confirmed that I should check my bank account tomorrow. Hurray!!
I was talking to my hubby last night about what to get the kids for Xmas and their birthday (which is in January). I suggested a Sony PS3 but that would mean that we'll have to get them a slightly bigger tv for their bedroom but my hubby said that we should wait for the January sale. Good idea . There is no point buying something at a very high price and a few days later, the price falls.
I joined the Union today. Anywhere I work I join the union .It 's very important.
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
3rd day @ work
On my way to work, I saw one of my clients (Mr B) a Congolese from my old work place. (i recognised him from behind. He has this box hair cut which reminds me of Larry Blackmon of Cameo in the 80s. He saw me and waved. I wondered if he got a job. He was doing a plumbing course then. My role at my old work place (a govt establishment) was to help People With Disability or health issues to get a job. I liaised with different organisations and employers it was fun though because once one of my clients got retained by their employer or they got a new job, I feel really good and the clients actually appreciate my effort as some of them have lost confidence completely. Some of them haven't worked for like 6-10 years.
Today, I had a chat with the facilitator and she gave me her card. That is a step in the right direction.
Tuesday, 11 December 2007
2nd Day @ Work
- The kind of job they should be doing and your reason for choosing the job
- Where your partner should live and why
- The mode of transport you suggest and why
- What type of pet should they have/keep (not necessarily a living thing)
We also discussed stress at work and other related issues.
BTW, I managed to get a free parking permit for myself. I can't pay to park (as an Ijebu woman). Let's hope I'll enjoy the job and as for the facilitator, I've built up enough rapport with her. I want to make a business proposition.
Monday, 10 December 2007
1st day at work
I started a new job today after staying home for 10 months recovering from a major operation. Everything looked so weird. When I left this morning, my kids were on their way to school with hubby. I said good bye to my kids and the first question they asked me was "Where are you going mum"? "To work" I replied. And as I was waiting at a set of traffic lights, I thought hmm poor boys. They've never seen me up that early in the last 10 months.
Reason? I and my hubby share the chores. I get the school uniforms all ironed and ready for the week on Sundays. So he bathes them and drops them off at school on his way to work. Then I pick them up at the After School club. The club is so convenient. We decided that they should stop going to the club when I wasn't working. They actually achieved a lot. Their handwriting which was a problem has improved and we became really close as I was always at the school playground at closing time.
I realised that my time off work was a blessing. I was able to bond with my kids.
Sunday, 9 December 2007
Nigeria Police, Women drivers, Aso ebi,DVDs
Police: Good Afternoon
Police: We were stopping you and you were (he was driving in the air)
Me: I stopped
Police: You didn't
Me:So how com you're talking to me now? What position am I at the moment.
Police: Emm (short of words)
Police:You may go
Me: Thank you..ass**** (under my breath)
A few days later, I was stopped at the same checkpoint.
Police:Well done madam
Me: Hi
Police:Why u no dey smile madam and why you dey wear dark glasses when you dey drive?
Me: Because I'm not in a good mood
Police: Ok madam dey go.
I was so angry and at the same time laughing at the stupid question. I wonder what my sunglasses has got to do with my driving.
I got to Naija on a Friday morning and while I was trying to catch some sleep, my cousin (Mr M) came in and said "Iyaeto, I didn't know you were coming but there is an Owambe today (a community award) and tommorrow" (Dr T's party). I said I wasn't interested but my cousin wasn't having it. Before I knew what was happening, a tailor came to the house, took my measurement and about 2 hours later, I was given an Aso ebi! so I had to go to the party. The next day, I was given another Aso ebi to wear to a party. I just had to tag along. i enjoyed myself though. What shocked me was that my cousin (a guy) sorted out the aso ebi. I never knew that men too are into Aso Ebi.
Before I left for Naija, I wanted to buy the Prison Break box set and they were going for like 50 bucks each so (as an Ijebu woman) I thought they'll be on sale when I get back from Naija but when I got to Naija, I got the DVDs for N300 per season. I was even telling the guy that if it doesn't work, I'll bring them back (what do I expect of a N300 dvd) but funny enough the dvds were very clear. So I've been watching Prison Break since I landed. (I don't encourage piracy but what can I do).