Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Notting Hill Carnival 2007

Well this year's Notting Hill Carnival has come and gone. The popular Naija Section (Cambridge Gardens) was closed by The Metropolitan Police. A lot of people got to know via text ( thanks to DJ Abass- thank God for text messaging) I felt sorry for people who came from far and wide (especially Nigerians) they must have been looking forward to hanging out at the Naija section. Even BEN TV/NTA International initiative didn't work at least I saw it on TV ( I'm waiting for the next Bisi Olatilo Show- they had a rep ("crew member") to do a bit of video recording. Although I wasn't there(I was busy sipping glasses of red wine and lamb chops at home). I also felt sorry for Obalende suya (I'm not sure if the agreement the management had with MTN for the last year Carnival worked) 'cos I didn't hear any noise about the MTN float this year. Sadly 2 people were shot ( abi were they stray bullets)at the Carnival. one died and One survived. We need to continue to pray about the gun culture in th UK and all over the world.